Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Tea for Two and Love Letter Garland (Bluestone Hill)

Hi! This is Jamie back after an extended Christmas break...:) Everly got this little tea set from my parents for Christmas, but the entire month of January has been a blur of sickness and snow, so we haven't had a chance to use it yet. She is having her friends over for a tea party soon, but I thought I would set up a little tea for two the other day. I have long been criticized by my brother for my homemade gifts for my husband; he claims they aren't "real" gifts. They usually involve lists of things I love about him, or pictures and quotes, that sort of husband claims he loves them, my brother claims they are junk...who really knows? But this year, I've made a love letter banner for the girls. Children are brutally honest, so I guess I'll finally find out if my family actually wants homemade gifts!

I punched two holes on the flap and tied a little decorative pink ribbon in a knot (because a bow seemed like too much work) and then lifted the flap and punched holes on each far side of the front, and strung the envelopes with the same ribbon. I was going to make 14 cards, with 14 things I love about them and have them start opening them on the first of February, but only 9 fit on the string, so I'm leaving two empty and will have them open one each day starting on the 8th.

The crocheted tablecloth was made by my great aunt and was a wedding gift:


Table and chairs & vase - found at local secondhand shops
Crocheted tablecloth - made by my great aunt
Rug - Rugs USA
Tea party set - Amazon
Wrapping paper - Target
Ribbon, hole punch, and white vase on wood table - Michaels Stores
Banner - handmade

Hope you have a lovely day! - Jamie

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