Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015


After helping Sister and her Mister move some things into Some Beach, we spent the rest of the afternoon dockside back at Mother and Daddy-O's.

Honey and the boys had the best time fishing.

They caught a sting ray and put her in a bucket.  Well, a few minutes later she gave birth to two babies!!!!!!!  The littles were literally beside themselves.  And now I can say that not only have I seen a roach give birth (did I ever share that horrific story?), but a stingray too.  Mother and babies were all thrown back in and swam happily away :-)

Next up on the strange catches of the day ... baby shark.  Ew.

Elsa adores being down at the dock.  I think she was made for the salt life.

As we were heading in for supper we watched a porpoise playing happily in the marsh.

These are the kind of days summer was made for!
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