Minggu, 26 April 2015


I’m not sure I’ve ever had such a busy spring.  And I'm also not sure what I was thinking when I thought I’d have too much free time once the baby went off to Kindergarten.  John is running track and Whit is playing baseball and soccer.  It crazy good, but crazy nonetheless.

As of late, I’ve planted my garden.  This year I used two of the raised beds for veggies and the third for a flower cutting garden.  I hope!  I started from seed so they look much more like weeds than flowers at this point.  This is one of the items on my 40x41 list!  I’ve also planted all of my pots and am on my third set of jasmine in as many years.  This year I went with a purported hardier variety… Madison.  Fingers crossed…


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Spring in the South now means afternoon thunderstorms and tornado warnings.  I never remember this as a kid, but it’s gotten so “normal” that we keep our bike helmets in the stairwell to the basement on rainy afternoons.


The first spring with our new porch we had the house painted.  So we moved everything to the center of the porch and covered it with tarps to prepare.  Well, as luck would have it, the pollen started coming down before we got it all uncovered and we realized what good timing we had.  Since then, as soon as the pollen starts coming we cover up the porch.  I was so excited to put everything back together this past weekend and finally get to enjoy it!!


Honey has changed his mind on the video game truck in favor of yard games (please don’t rain, please don’t rain) for his 40th.  I wasn’t aware that beer pong qualified as a yard game, but it’s on his list.  Would y’all believe I actually found BEER PONG embroidered shorts on etsy???!!!!  More to come, but if you’re desperate for a pair, check out Andy Cup.


While I was in Vegas, the sheet for 3rd grade market day came home and John and his Daddy signed up for making minecraft key chains.  He only has to make sixteen, but at the pace this project is moving, I might not have a dinner at my kitchen table for weeks!


If you follow along on Instagram, you’ll know that my Sunday night was spent sorting through this catastrophe.  As it turns out, the rod was nailed into the wall for 40 years… not screwed.  There was also a solid wood shelf on top that came down.  I’m freaking out over the mess, obviously, and Honey manages to see the bright side… that I wasn’t IN the closet when this happened because he felt it would have been certain death.  I know it seems like the prime opportunity for a closet makeover, but I really just wanted it all back where we started.  Other than the floor, the only casualty was my Raven canvas


The only good news I could see coming out of closet catastrophe was that I got Honey to part with a huge pile of clothes!!  Hello, Goodwill!!


I spied these fabulous gold and white antler boxes and trays at Hobby Lobby today.  I have nowhere for them (and really cannot bring one more thing into this house right now) but they are wonderful and are practically crying out for a good home.  It was all I could do to walk away.


The baby’s class is doing a daring ABC countdown on the last 26 days of school.  H was for “Hawaiian” day and I was thrilled that he already had a solid reason to wear his new shirt from Castaway Cay!!!  At home, H was for “Hair cut” day…my littles were looking like they didn’t have a mother.


I only got a few items of clothing from the Lilly for Target sale (the home goods are another story) but I LOVE them.  This one is a maxi from the girls section and I literally got compliments all day.  So fun!!  I also finally broke out my Spartina 499 bag (Sea Island Map) that I picked up in Savannah (One Fish Two Fish) over St. Patrick’s Day.  It’s SO good!!!  It was all I could do to resist the scarf and beach towels.  The Tidal Tassel bracelets are from my etsy shop.

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And, speaking of Lilly for Target, I adore this pic of Sister and CeeCee in their Nosie Posey dresses. 

As far as home projects, our one big thing this year was installing landscape lighting.  It’s 99% complete but I have had NO luck in trying to take a picture for y’all.  It makes such a huge difference and I really wish I could share!!

With that, we’re off to a baseball game that I found out about at 11AM.  Oh, and then I realized I am snack mom at 1PM.  Which is awful considering I’m team mom and assigned the snacks.  But at the same time it’s GREAT because I love an excuse to down a ball park hot dog.  Much to bestie M’s dismay....she'll probably be praying for me tonight that I don't contract some horrific disease.
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